Chasing Cheerios

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lakeside Nature Study

Elliott found a teeny, tiny turtle in the lake a couple of weeks ago, and the girls were SUPER excited about their new "pet."  They named him "Turtle-ee."

We set up a small habitat for Turtle-ee and observed him for several hours. 

 The girls became very attached to Turtle-ee even though we made it very clear that Turtle-ee would be returned to the lake...eventually.

Evidently, Turtle-ee really wanted to be ours because he was still in our swimming area the morning after his release.  We spent another day observing him in his small habitat before putting the habitat under the pontoon where he escaped to freedom.  Luckily, the girls were happy that Turtle-ee had returned to his family and were not upset about his departure.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun experience! It totally reminds me of this song my 4 year old learned recently: I have a little turtle; his name is Tiny Tim. I put him in the bathtub to see if he could swim. He drank up all the water; he ate up all the soap. He tried to sing a song, with bubbles in his throat. Bubble, bubble bubble, bubble POP! She sins it constantly and loves to POP at the end.
